Greetings cocktail and mocktail lovers! I have been wanting to write this blog post for awhile now addressing what makes the cocktail mixers and syrups I sell any different than what you can buy at the grocery store. Well, there are quite a few reasons so let's get in to it.
First off, the cocktail mixers, syrups, bitters, spice blends, tonics and shrubs I source come from small businesses across the US of A. These companies are craft cocktail enthusiasts who are located all across America. I have suppliers in Oregon, California, Texas, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Montana, Florida, and my own home state of Utah. All of these businesses aspire to use fresh ingredients that are sourced within their states, which in turn helps support their communities too. Sourcing the products I carry from the U.S. is one of Tipsy Cocktail Supply Co.'s values as a company. To support small business, through another small business.
Second, the cocktail, mocktail and soda mixers and syrups I source have to have an affordable price point. If the price is not something my cheap ass would spend, I'm sure a lot of others won't either, especially in these times when everything is so expensive. The beverage syrups and mixers at Tipsy Cocktail Supply Co.'s are cost effective because each bottle or cannister will make roughly a dozen drinks or more! That works out to be about a dollar or less per drink! I challenge you to find anywhere that serves cocktails, mocktails, teas, lattes, or sodas that charges less than a dollar for their drinks. Saving money by making drinks at home that are just as good as a professionally made product is part of why the craft cocktail industry is booming in the area of mixers, syrups, bitters, spice blends, tonics and shrubs. Not to mention how easy they are to use. Every bottle has recipes and instructions on how to use them. Perfect!
Finally, the cocktail mixers, syrups, etc., I carry have to pass the ingredient test. Probably the most important of the values about Tipsy Cocktail Supply Co. the ingredients have to be REAL, WHOLE, and NATURAL! I read every label of every cocktail mixer & beverage syrup I carry to make sure the ingredients are recognizable and contain no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives whatsoever! This process separates us apart from other retail establishments who only carry the mainstream cocktail mixers and syrups that your mama (and mine) used to buy. It is time for something better, something healthier, made with ingredients you can pronounce! And at Tipsy Cocktail Supply Co., we off the best cocktail mixers and syrups around.
So there you have it. My argument for why these are Not Yr' Mama's Cocktail Mixers! Supporting small businesses across our great nation, affordable, delicious, and easy to use. And of course, the ingredient list is spot on. The days of buying atomic colored, mass produced, and expensive cocktail mixers and syrups is coming to an end. As people become more aware of what they ingest, the demand for a better quality cocktail that can be made at home with quality ingredients is changing the cocktail industry for the better. And you can get yours today at Tipsy Cocktail Supply Co.
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